Kate's career in travel business started in Christchurch, NZ with i-Site in 2004 where she quickly became one of the top sales representatives of the entire i-Site network. After moving back to China, Kate joined Flight Centre in 2012 where she worked as an award-winning travel consultant in FC Shanghai.
During this time, she noticed how the popularity of New Zealand was growing immensely in China's FIT market. A move back to New Zealand signified the beginning of KateTravel, a tour company that started in 2013 with a focus on FIT travel and tailor-made itineraries. Since then, KateTravel has been the official business partner for Sina Travel and Weibo and has made remarkable progress in the Chinese FIT market.
In the first two years, KateTravel has become one of the top tour retailers for independent tourists from China and has worked with a number of regional companies in New Zealand. It has also become the exclusive business partner of Anzcro in China.
Kate is dedicated to continuing the success of KateTravel by introducing more of the Chinese FIT market to New Zealand. Social media and word of mouth marketing have helped her to set up a brand image in China as a New Zealand travel expert.
KateTravel Ltd.,凯特旅游,新西兰本土自由行公司,2013年成立,总部位于基督城。公司专注于新西兰自由行、自驾游和定制旅游,业务范围包括租车、活动预订、精选住宿预订和其他私人定制服务。公司成立至今已为数以万计的游客提供服务,帮助他们实现了一次甚至多次精彩的自由行旅程。
创始人Kate小姐长期在新西兰居住,曾在基督城i-Site工作7年,并被评为全新西兰i-Site系统顶尖的旅行顾问。2011年基督城大地震后,Kate返回上海,并受聘于全球大型旅游集团之一Flight Center。就在Flight Center工作的一年里,Kate赢得了2012-13年度大中华区最佳新人奖,并得以参加Flight Center在墨西哥坎昆举办的2013全球奖励大会。创立自己事业后,Kate凭借自身的专业以及多年积累的业内人脉,在不到两年的时间里将KateTravel打造成新西兰自由行最大的一家旅行社。在2015年5月由奥克兰机场举办的亚洲高峰论坛上,Kate小姐应邀就中国自由行市场的现状和发展发表主题演讲,引起轰动(峰会链接:http://www.asiasummit.co.nz/)。而又在过去的2016年国际旅游高峰论坛上,Kate再次应邀作为中国市场的嘉宾,和其他市场的代表一起,就新西兰自由行、新西兰旅游环境等议题和主持人展开互动,Kate发表的有关中国自由行游客的动向和特征等观点,受到与会同行和媒体的普遍关注。会后,Kate接受了新西兰先驱报和Stuff.com等主流媒体的采访。(峰会链接:http://www.travelsummit.co.nz/;媒体报导:新西兰先驱报;Stuff.com)。
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